One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Composition Audition Guidelines

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The Composition Audition must include all the components described below:

  1. 分数组合
    • Composers should bring scores of at least two original compositions. It is recommended that these be notated in Finale or Sibelius. For more information on notation programs, read “A Guide to Music Notation Software” below.
    • Students are encouraged to bring live recordings of their compositions. While this can be a challenge, nothing compares with a live recording. In lieu of this, students may also provide MIDI recordings. If no recordings are available, students will not be penalized.
    • For questions about preparing the portfolio of scores and other questions relating to college-level composition study, please read “Preparation for College Level Composition Study” below.
  2. 面试
    • You will be asked about your career goals, 最喜欢的音乐, composition and performance experience, and other related questions that will help us guide you in our program.
  3. 支持材料
    • The student should provide a music resume which includes:
  4.                      - A list of all original compositions and arrangements

                         - Performances of original compositions or arrangements (if any)

                         - Performance experience (church, school, contests, recitals, etc...)

                         - A brief statement of the student's career goals, 音乐兴趣, and a list of your favorite five albums.

  5. 性能试镜
    • Composition students at Cedarville will need to declare a major instrument and will audition on their main instrument. Please see the requirements for piano, 仪器, and voice auditions found under the tab labeled Audition Requirements on the audition preparation page.

Off-Campus Audition Instructions:

On-campus auditions are preferred and required for applicants living within 300 miles. If it is not possible for you to travel to Cedarville University, please submit the following:

  1. 分数组合
  2. Accompanying recordings, if any
  3. A music resume that includes:
    • A list of all original compositions and arrangements
    • Performances of original compositions or arrangements (if any)
    • Performance experience (church, school, contests, recitals, etc.)
    • A brief statement of the student's career goals, 音乐兴趣, and a list of your favorite five albums.
  4. Your video audition on the instrument in which you will be majoring. See Audition Requirements for your particular instrument’s requirements.

Links to your videos should be sent via email to the Cedarville University Music and Worship Department at Deadline for recorded auditions is on or before the last scheduled audition date.

A Guide to Music Notation Software

While there are many options for music notation software, Cedarville University has adopted the 新 notation software Dorico. Dorico is a 新comer on the market and is poised to be the best notation software available for the foreseeable future.

For more information about Dorico see 新.斯坦伯格.net/dorico.

Preparation for College-Level Composition Study

Potential composition students often don’t know how to start composing. Here are some suggestions on how to get started.

  1. Start studying music theory. You might investigate any AP classes offered at your high school, or any community college classes available, or just get a theory book and study on your own. 我们建议 色调和谐 作者:Stefan Kostka 多萝西·佩恩. This is the textbook we use at Cedarville.
  2. Consider getting a theory tutor to help you. Cedarville composition students are available for skype tutoring and are very affordable. 电子邮件 Dr. 加奎斯 了解更多信息.
  3. Listen to lots of great music in many genres. Include great classical, jazz, pop, and film albums in your listening. For classical pieces, find the scores and follow along.
  4. Consider getting a composition tutor. Cedarville composition students are also available via skype to help you develop your ideas and shape your music. 电子邮件  Dr. 加奎斯 了解更多信息.