One Thousand Days 改变了 - The Campaign for Cedarville

Cedarville University Strategic Plan

Distinctiveness Reinvigorated

For more than 130 years, 沙巴体育一直致力于提供符合圣经真理的教育. That dedication has been rooted in a desire to glorify God, a desire permeated throughout the trustees, 政府, 教师, 工作人员, students, and friends of Cedarville. 因为大学面临着一种越来越敌视圣经权威和终极真理的文化, 我们的立场是基于神话语的真理, and a stand that is consistent with the historic American ideal of religious freedom.

我们仍然坚定我们的承诺,“敬畏耶和华是知识的开端”. 1:7). 我们仍然致力于通过强调圣经神学的坚实圣经辅修课程,使我们的学生在圣经中扎根. 我们仍 致力于训练和指导下一代信徒,使福音对他们的社区产生影响, 文化, and marketplaces through their ministry in local churches. Altogether, we seek to remain faithful to the stewardship entrusted 对我们来说, 通过完成神的教导,培养受过良好教育的毕业生,将福音带到天涯海角,来荣耀神.

为此,我们将通过加强核心来重振我们的独特性. 每天教堂, an enhanced Bible minor, state of the art programs anchored to the truth of Scripture, and a vibrant campus community comprise the essence of the core. Strengthening the core requires not only focusing on what we do best, 同时,我们还将增加创新的学术课程,这将继续扩大和增强我们维持和加强使命的手段.



  • 圣经

    A man speaks on a large stage holding a Bible.

    Driven by the inerrant, infallible, and reliable truth of God’s Word.

  • 全面的


    Providing a comprehensive education grounded in biblical truth, offering a wide array of state of the art programs, and committed to intentionality and innovation.

  • 敬神的


    由仆人组成,他们寻求通过追求学术卓越来荣耀上帝, vocational mentoring of students, and biblical modeling of the Christian life.

  • 改变了


    Creating a community focused on discipleship and service, 使学生在基督呼召他们的职分中,成为基督的使者.

  • 忠实的





A professor teaches a lecture hall filled with students

Academic Excellence:

Enrich and refine the quality of a residential, 适应文化和职业需求的本科专业.


只有保持高质量的项目,才能更有效地利用资源,并有机会在市场需求的新领域追求我们的使命. 经过仔细的市场和财务分析,我们将继续推出新的项目,以美化 神通过预备青年男女来接受他所赋予他们的呼召.


  • 提供以圣经和文科为基础的全面教育
  • 透过培养有品格的毕业生,巩固家庭、教会和社会
  • Provide a Wide Array of Professional Programs
  • 评估当前和新项目的质量、可行性和任务契合度

A man works with 2 children on a missions trip.




沙巴体育致力于坚持上帝无误的话语,并在其教义中训练学生. We produce graduates who are spiritually mature, equipped to engage the culture boldly and share the Gospel of Christ through service in the local church. 这样的毕业生通过忠于圣经的教导来荣耀神.


  • Submit to 圣经 权威
  • 在各学科提供符合圣经的教育(综合教育)
  • Maintain and Enhance the Cedarville Experience to Transform 生活
  • Disciple Students to 参与文化 and Share the Gospel
  • Support the Local Church by Producing 敬神的 Servants

A modern building sits along a sidewalk with students walking

Institutional Sustainability:

通过追求创造性的解决方案来平衡高质量的雪松维尔体验和学生访问,从而增强机构实力, maximizing the stewardship of financial, 物理, and human resources.


财务管理要求沙巴体育根据使命评估可持续性问题. 沙巴体育体验是学生和他们的家庭所做的一项独特而有价值的投资. We seek innovative methods 尽可能有效地利用上帝通过学费和捐赠给予我们的资源. 我们提供优质的教师,员工和设施,通过适当地分配资源. We sensibly monitor the discount rate 保持大学的财政实力,同时为学生提供尽可能多的经济援助. 简而言之, 我们通过管理资源和祂所托付给我们的使命来荣耀神.


  • 通过忠实地管理资源,平衡使命与可持续性
  • Maintain Healthy Enrollment
  • Recruit and Maintain 敬神的 Servants
  • Balance Financial Aid with a Reasonable Discount Rate
  • Create Innovative Efficiencies
  • Utilize Fundraising to Increase Affordability through Scholarships
  • Raise Endowment Levels
  • Maintain Quality Facilities

A professor and a student examine a vial in a pharmacy lab

Program Innovation:

Expand kingdom impact by providing graduate, 在线, 以及平衡学术卓越与可持续发展的非传统项目,以推进雪松维尔的使命.


Due to its uniquely robust undergraduate programs, Cedarville University is well poised to offer Dual Enrollment, 研究生, and 在线 courses and programs. 这些产品为我们提供了追求我们的使命和愿景的机会 constituencies beyond residential, undergraduate students. We glorify God by providing Dual Enrollment, 研究生, 以及为在线学生提供优质且符合圣经真理的教育机会.


  • Expand the Reach of the Mission through Additional Program Offerings
  • Meet New Demands by Offering Excellent and Sustainable:
    • Traditional, Online, and Accelerated 研究生 Programs
    • Online and Hybrid Dual Enrollment Courses
  • Evaluate and Consider New Roles for Undergraduate Online Courses

A professor and 3 students talk outside by a lake

Vibrant Community:

Encourage a campus culture that promotes flourishing, 友情, 通过合作和创新的联合课程项目和活动,建立圣经意义上的社区意识, reflecting biblical truth and transforming lives.


沙巴体育通过在校园建立圣经社区来荣耀神, providing cultural experiences for students and the local community, engaging the culture through public events and media interaction, building strong ties 与校友, 用我们教师的专业知识和服务来支持当地教会, 工作人员, 和学生.


  • Transform 生活 through 圣经 Community
  • Promote Campus Spirit
  • 通过课外活动培养学生的才能和纪律
  • Provide Cultural Experiences
  • Build Stronger Ties With and Among 校友
  • 参与文化
  • Support the Local Church

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