



近年来, 我们国家去教堂做礼拜的人数急剧下降, 许多教堂已经永远关闭了. We need Christians who are equipped and willing to answer the call to revitalize and multiply churches.

读 今天的文章 to see what Cedarville is doing about this alarming trend.


张贴在 灵命成长 学生生活




Cedarville University is privileged to care for the spiritual growth of some of the best university-aged students on our planet. 我们非常严肃地对待这项指控.

One of the elements in the spiritual growth dynamic here at Cedarville is seeing to it, 尽我们所能, 每个学生都与当地教堂有联系. The years of their academic training could leave them separated from any type of effective fellowship with the body of Christ, 除了发生在我们校园内的事. 教堂是令人兴奋和独特的雪松维尔教育, 但它并不能取代当地教堂.

读 今天的文章 to learn more about local churches that students call home away from home.


张贴在 灵命成长 学生生活



宿舍生活Your to-do list to prepare for your student's college experience is probably getting long. 一个简单——而且有趣 — thing you can start doing is preparing for his or her residence hall room!


张贴在 招生 学生生活



Girls in dorm room sitting on bed and chairs with open notebooks on their laps

Is your admitted student ready to choose a Cedarville residence hall and select a roommate? 我们让它变得简单! 

学生的个性化 已接受学生门户网站 has all the resources he or she will need to easily transition from home to a residence hall room 在校园. If you have any questions about the housing selection process, contact us at 1 - 800 -斯德维尔. 你的学生的招生顾问会很乐意提供帮助!

一定要支付学生的学费 保留存款 截止日期是5月1日.


张贴在 招生 学生生活



宿舍生活选择专业, 制定财务计划, and researching the spiritual climate are all important steps in choosing a Christian college. 然而,还有另一个重要的部分,你的学生必须考虑- 宿舍生活!

当你和你的学生在考虑不同的大学时, 你很快就会发现,并不是所有的宿舍生活都是平等的. 在今天的帖子中, we offer 5 questions that you should ask about 宿舍生活 at each of the colleges that your student may be considering. And, you'll discover what makes Cedarville's residence life truly unique!


张贴在 灵命成长 学生生活 为什么高等教育以基督为中心

Christmas Ideas for Your Future Yellow Jacket (and a Discount Code for YOU!)


校园商店标志If you're looking for Christmas ideas for your future Yellow Jacket, check out the online 大学书店! 你会发现各种各样的礼物创意, from Cedarville-branded apparel to room decor, insulated mugs, and ornaments. It's a great way to celebrate your future Yellow Jacket and show your Cedarville spirit this Christmas season. 我们觉得你会找到适合全家人的!


张贴在 学生生活



一群学生走在人行道上If you and your student want to get an authentic look at what life is like for a Cedarville student, 你应该看看我们的 学生生活博客. 在这里, you'll read 帖子s on everything from getting involved with extra-curricular activities, 每天去教堂是什么感觉, 和室友相处融洽.

You'll get an up-close look at the student experience at Cedarville and see all that God is doing on our campus.

If your student has been accepted for fall 2023, secure his or her spot in the incoming class by 支付订房押金.


张贴在 学生生活



文凭换来一堆钱As high school seniors and their parents sit down to finalize a college decision before the May 1 deadline, 有一个话题几乎总是讨论的一部分:成本.

While many universities — including Cedarville — are taking intentional steps to make a college education more affordable, parents are increasingly looking at job placement rates in order to weigh an institution’s benefits against its costs in an effort to decide whether or not a considerable investment is worthwhile.

Cedarville的安置率仍然令人印象深刻. 在毕业后六个月的最终目的地调查中,98.4% of Cedarville's class of 2018 reported being employed or in graduate school during that time period. 这并不是一年的反常现象:Cedarville的五年平均水平是97.3%.

These placement results are well above the national averages reported by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 过去五年的平均回报率是88%. 但不要只相信我们的话. 阅读今天的问答 帖子,最初发表于 斯德维尔杂志, and see what parents are saying about their children's experience at Cedarville.

P.S. If your student has been accepted to Cedarville for fall 2019, be sure to pay your reservation 存款 以确保他或她的位置在即将到来的班级!


张贴在 学者 可购性 职业生涯 学生生活 为什么高等教育以基督为中心



为什么大学生不去教堂? Why do so many of our brightest young people never return to the church or come back with battle scars after their college experience?

As a parent of a high school student, you may have these questions on your mind. Helping college students stay true to their faith is also on the heart of 托马斯•白, 沙巴体育校长. In 今天的文章,你会发现一个很有见地的视频. White speaks directly to parents about what Cedarville is doing to counteract this concerning trend.


张贴在 学者 灵命成长 学生生活 为什么高等教育以基督为中心

今天在黄夹克专区购物. 今天是#网络星期一!


As you think about Christmas gifts for your future Yellow Jacket (or any Cedarville fan you may know), please visit our online bookstore – the Yellow Jacket Zone – to find a large selection of Yellow Jacket apparel, 袋, 球衣, 还有更多! It's a great way to celebrate your future Yellow Jacket and show your Cedarville spirit this Christmas season. 今天就在线访问我们! 现在提交入学申请还不算晚! 请拨打1 - 800 -斯德维尔 (233-2784)...

张贴在 招生 学生生活



在斯德维尔, we want our students to become people who not only excel in their careers, but who also make a difference in their communities and bring the Gospel to all the areas of influence in their lives. 正因为如此, each year we hold an Involvement Fair to make students aware of the many opportunities available to practice servant leadership 在校园, 作为当地教堂的一部分, 以及周围的社区. They can learn about our more than 100 organizations and local ministries...

张贴在 灵命成长 学生生活 为什么高等教育以基督为中心




查普尔一直被称为沙巴体育的心脏, 那里的学生, 教师, 每个工作日,同工都聚集在一起,进行充满活力的敬拜和大能的讲道. 教堂 is just one way we help our students grow in their walk with Christ, and most students consider chapel a highlight of their Cedarville education! If you really want to understand Cedarville culture and what makes us "tick,“你需要体验教堂. 上周,我们的主席. 托马斯•白, 开始了为期一年的每周以弗所书系列讲道, 题目是“我在基督里”."

今天的文章 to learn how you can watch the president's sermon series — and other chapel services — from your home. 这是你发现沙巴体育核心的好方法.


张贴在 灵命成长 学生生活 为什么高等教育以基督为中心



Did you know that Cedarville offers discounted online and residential graduate programs for parents? 了解更多 索要你的研究生课程指南