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在 final video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. 杰里米•金布尔, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, 解释了“最后的事情”的神学, answering the question: "How will everything end?"

When Jesus returns it will be amazing, we must be ready.

博士. Kimble presents on these important doctrinal truths:



斯德维尔大学 神学硕士 学位和在线研究生学位 圣经的领导崇拜神学部 are equipping men and women who desire to serve God in vocational ministry. With multiple accelerated options to choose from, Cedarville’s M.Div. provides a comprehensive program that is committed to biblical authority, 大使命, equipping the next generation of leaders in the local church.


张贴在 Biblical-and-Theological-Studies 哲学与神学

Biblical Conflict Resolution: 6 Questions to Ask

Mindy May在台上讲话.


沙巴体育的那些年里, I have been asked to speak on conflict resolution in various classes and student staff training events. Any time I speak on conflict resolution with our students, 我通常会问观众, “你们中有多少人喜欢冲突?寂静无声. Then I ask, “How many of you would say you avoid conflict at all costs?” The majority of in the room raise their hands. With the ever-increasing use of digital platforms and communication veins, the art of healthy conflict resolution has taken a significant hit. We live in a time where communication is dwindled to a few short texts to communicate a breadth of experiences and emotions. 通过这种类型的交流, the meta-message of communication is often lost; eye contact, 语气, 意图, personal care are all absent from the conversation. Whether it is training our Resident Assistants or equipping women’s ministry leaders, a few simple principles help offer some foundational tools to live out this aspect of biblical community.


张贴在 咨询


在 seventh video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. 杰里米•金布尔, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, 解释教会的神学, 回答什么是教会? 具体地说,它:

  • 定义
  • 会员
  • 治理
  • 任务


张贴在 Biblical-and-Theological-Studies 哲学与神学


在 sixth video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. 杰里米•金布尔, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, 解释圣灵的神学, 回答:

  • 他是谁??
  • 他做了什么??
  • 它如何适用于我的生活?

观看Dr。. Kimble presents on these important doctrinal truths:


张贴在 Biblical-and-Theological-Studies 研究生 哲学与神学

Theology Is for Everyone: Christ and Salvation

在 fifth video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. 杰里米•金布尔, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, 解释基督和救恩的神学.

在这个 video, Dr. 金布尔回答了以下问题:

  • 基督是谁?他做了什么?
  • 福音是什么??
  • 什么是救恩?我们怎样才能得救?
  • 这怎么适用于我呢?

As believers, we must understand the Gospel and be prepared to share it with others.


张贴在 Biblical-and-Theological-Studies 哲学与神学


在 fourth video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. 杰里米•金布尔, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, 解释人性和罪的神学, looking at how sin affected man's relationship with God.

在这个视频中, you'll learn what was originally true of humanity, 人类怎么了?, how we should apply this knowledge to our lives.


张贴在 Biblical-and-Theological-Studies 哲学与神学


在 third video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. 杰里米•金布尔, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, explains the theology of God and why it is so important to the believer.

在这个 video, Dr. Kimble shares what the Bible teaches about God and what that mean to us. When we understand who God is, we should recognize:

  • 上帝是值得崇拜的.
  • 生活应该以神为中心.
  • 我们应该经常向上帝祈祷.
  • 上帝有足够的力量来改变我们的生活.
  • 上帝最终会战胜邪恶.
  • 我们必须远离偶像.

How we think about God shapes our Christian life. A life centered on God will be lived for His glory.


张贴在 Biblical-and-Theological-Studies 哲学与神学


在 second video in the “Theology Is for Everyone” series, Dr. 杰里米•金布尔, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, explains what Scripture is and why it's important to understand what the Bible says about itself.

video, Dr. 金布尔回答了三个问题.

  1. 圣经是什么??
  2. 圣经的属性是什么?
  3. 我们有哪些沙巴体育?


张贴在 Biblical-and-Theological-Studies 哲学与神学


It's easy to think that the study of theology is only for pastors and Bible professors, 但事实并非如此! 神学是 everyone who walks in a church and thinks thoughts and speaks words about God. 而且,我们 want to be good theological thinkers, regardless of our role in the church.

介绍 to his “Theology Is for Everyone” video series, Dr. 杰里米•金布尔, Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University, 回答三个关键问题:

  1. 什么是神学??
  2. 我们如何研究神学?
  3. 我们为什么要学习神学?

神学对每个信徒都是必不可少的, because to engage in theology is to engage in Christian living. 


张贴在 Biblical-and-Theological-Studies 哲学与神学

The Unseen Pandemic Impacting Healthcare Providers

Pharmacist assisting a customer with a question about and over-the-counter product博士. 麦肯齐·格林纳兹博士. 杰夫·休斯顿博士. 扎卡里·詹金斯

Burnout and work-related stress are not new issues in health care. But according to the September 2022 Journal of American Medicine, the COVID-19 pandemic has poured kerosene on that fire, leading health care professionals to work under increasingly difficult conditions. 特别是, pharmacists were called upon to drive patient care during the pandemic, without changes to their typical job function. Economic forces and personnel shortages have further impacted care.

Such conditions have led to what many are calling the “Great Resignation."在医疗保健方面, this has manifested as an exodus of health care workers from frontline patient care roles. 例如, 爱思唯尔健康公司表示, 31% of physicians and nurses globally said they planned to leave their current role in the next two-to-three years.

Looking at respondents from the United States, that number is even higher — 47%. In 2021, the Ohio Board of 药店 reported that 16% of Ohio pharmacists reported planning to leave their career as a pharmacist altogether, while 40% of respondents indicated they were open to changing careers in the future. 这是令人担忧的, as many pharmacists already operate in health care deserts where options for patients are few.



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