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Cedarville Insights provides answers to your pressing questions about Microsoft Word, Excel, 和演示文稿, as well as college undergraduate and graduate programs, 神学和哲学问题, 以及通用信息.


Of all the college students who start out studying engineering, around 50% will change their major at some point during their college experience. 不是每个人都适合. Engineering is a tough discipline and requires a specific skill set and personality.



张贴在 工程与计算机科学


Pharmacist assisting a customer with a question about and over-the-counter product最近的COVID-19大流行 has highlighted the increasing role of today's pharmacists. No longer simply counting pills behind the counter, pharmacists are on the frontlines counseling patients and evaluating 药物治疗 plans. With these increasing roles has come a greater demand for pharmacists, leading to a shortage of pharmacists across the country. 根据… 最近的报告 福克斯新闻,80%的独立药店 报告在填补职位时遇到困难. 为了解决这个问题, pharmacies are offering huge bonuses — as much as $50,000 -招募新的药剂师.

的 沙巴体育药学院 is equipping students through pharmacy excellence and Christlike compassion to meet this increasing demand. Students learn 从 and are mentored by professors who are highly credentialed, 有经验的, 虔诚的药剂师.

If you want a rewarding career with ample job opportunities where you can make a real difference in people’s lives, 考虑药房. 考虑一下 药学博士 来自雪松维尔大学.


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的 need for better cybersecurity is becoming more evident every day. One way cyber professionals are protecting our online information is by using adversarial thinking. Adversarial thinking requires understanding the technological capabilities of potential h ackers and being able to anticipate where, 当, 以及它们如何攻击.

In a lecture titled “Introduction to 网络安全的对抗性思维" as part of a Foundations of Computer Security Course, 沙巴体育的博士. Seth Hamman解释了对抗性思维, 为什么它对网络安全很重要, 以及如何提高对抗性思维能力.


张贴在 工商管理硕士


A recent online Drug Topics article – Diabetes Mortality Has Increased, 但药剂师可以提供帮助——强调 今天药剂师的作用越来越大. No longer stuck behind the counter dispensing 药物治疗s, 今天的药剂师是教练, 干涉, 病人权益倡导者, helping address some of the greatest health challenges facing 我们的国家.

的 article explains how pharmacists are uniquely positioned to screen patients for pre-diabetes and diabetes and helping them with HbA1C levels, 生活方式的改变, 药物治疗, 和更多的. Most patients see their pharmacists regularly – 35 times per year on average, according to the author -- while they may only see their doctor twice a year.


张贴在 PharmD


Athletic trainers may not need to diagnosis or treat general medical conditions, but there is a chance they may encounter these conditions in their patients and should be prepared to recognize them. 


张贴在 体育训练


We live in a time 当 ethics in business are sorely lacking. You don’t have to look far in the news to find stories of fraud or unscrupulous behavior. Simply put, the definition of ethics is the study of what is morally right or wrong. But what does it mean to have Christian ethics in business? 作为基督徒, we are called to a higher standard: We should seek to go beyond what is just morally right to biblical ethics, behaving in such a way that the Bible requires. 作为基督徒, our business ethics are framed by our worldview and should be an outpouring of living out our faith.


张贴在 工商管理硕士


网络威胁每天都在增加. 您的组织的在线数据有多安全? 你准备好迎接下一次袭击了吗?

Cedarville University's Center for the Advancement of Cybersecurity, 由博士领导. Seth Hamman, hosted a panel discussion, "网络安全:我们这一代的冷战," with guests Dr. Richard Harknett 从 the University of Cincinnati and Klon Kitchen 从 the American Enterprise Institute.


张贴在 工商管理硕士

Pandemic Leads to More Self-Employed Americans

根据… recent eNews put out by the Wall Street Journal, the number of self-employed Americans has grown by 6% since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 现在有9个.44 million unincorporated self-employed workers. 越来越多的人 are striking out on their own to achieve flexibility and leave the confinements of corporate America.

If you’ve considered joining this growing group of self-starters, an 创新与创业工商管理硕士 从 沙巴体育可以帮助你实现这一目标!


张贴在 工商管理硕士

5 Tips to Avoid Burnout as a Christian Pharmacist


Dr. 杰夫•贝茨

我是个工作狂. 我最近打高尔夫球, and it took me three holes to stop feeling guilty about being out on the golf course on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon. But I need time away 从 work to avoid becoming burned out, just like you do. 对我来说, though, the key to avoiding burn out is maintaining a healthy, godly perspective of my work.

I'd like to share 5 tips that I have used to help avoid burnout as a Christian pharmacist.


张贴在 PharmD


一个人站在商务会议前A recent Wall Street Journal article reported that this year’s Master of Business Administration graduates are experiencing $5,我的工资比去年增加了000英镑. According to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, the median salary for 2021 工商管理硕士 graduates has risen to $155,000. And 99% of graduates seeking employment received an offer. 现在是开始读工商管理硕士的好时机!


张贴在 工商管理硕士

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